Customers Receive a Trade Show Secrets E-book from APG Exhibits


Trade Show Display and Exhibiting Secrets for Event Marketers

APG Exhibits Releases New E-book For First-Time Exhibitors


APG Exhibits recently released a new e-book titled “Trade Show Display and Event Secrets for Event Marketers.” This e-book is designed to help new and experienced exhibitors make the most of their trade show display opportunities. New exhibitors will discover how trade show displays can be fun, effective ways to earn sales leads, develop professional relationships and network. This book features expert tips and advice to help event marketers make the most of these opportunities. Learn from other exhibitors with stories of trade show success and failure from other event marketers and gain insight on what they learned. This e-book should be an exhibitor’s #1 resource for preventing and preparing for the unexpected at trade shows.

“We understand the many challenges exhibitors face when attending trade shows,” says President Matt Baron. “APG wants to provide these exhibitors with more than great products at the guaranteed lowest prices. We want to share our knowledge and become a resource for trade show exhibitors, to help them get the most out of their investment.”

Exhibitors shopping with APG Exhibits will receive the company’s newest trade show eBook with professional advice and tips about making the most of any trade show. Newsletter subscribers and blogs followers can also receive the e-book by visiting the e-book landing page.

The e-book features first-hand accounts of trade show success and failure stories. It also includes exhibit stories clients have shared. Exhibitors can find secrets to saving money, preshow promotions, creating great giveaways and more. The APG team kept the eBook at 20 pages to ensure a “quick and easy read.”

The release of Trade Show Display and Exhibiting Secrets for Event Marketers is part of APG’s newest campaign to help new exhibitors experience the most success with their first trade show displays. APG recently announced on PRWeb, that the company is offering a 10% discount to any first-time exhibitors. Exhibitors can also call the customer service line (866-752-2192) to speak with a  representative about which trade show displays will better help an exhibitor achieve his/her goals.

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK Trade Show Display and Exhibiting Secrets

“APG Exhibits is #1 in customer service. We’ll help all new exhibitors make the most of their first trade show booth.”
– Matt Baron, president

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APG Exhibits

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