Putting Show back in Trade Show


2 Trade Show Exhibit Videos that Took the Stage!


1. Fusion-io Display at the Interop Trade Show Steals the Crowd!

“Putting ‘show’ back in trade show,” is truly what the computer software company Fusion-io did at the Vegas Interop Trade Show in May of 2011 with their mechanical bull ride. They put the ride into context by modeling the bull into a giant “hard drive” in which they used as a metaphor to describe how, “at the end of the performance, you’re going to have to let go of the big hard drive, it’s all about solid state.” In addition, the company had a giant screen on display full of thousands of live streaming little squares of video, all streaming from the one solid state device with sixteen servers.

These technical terms may sound like gibberish to you, as it may have to the visitors coming to see all of the commotion at the Fusion-io display booth, but both pieces made the display literally rock, drawing a huge crowd. After the focus is on the display booth, its up to you and the rest of your team to show the visitors why they should stay to hear about what your team has to say about your product, get past the jargon of the field, and explain why they should invest.

The funniest trade show booth I’ve ever seen (Video)

2. Funny Host Erik Pants takes the Five & Dime Trade Show by Storm!

Comedian Host of a video series on Funny or Die interviewed exhibit booth staff at the Five & Dime Trade Show in December of 2010. This trade show had upcoming sports products and apparel scheduled to be out in stores the upcoming year. Erik Pants showed how the staff would approach potential customers visiting their booths. Each staffer had a different approach to Eric’s quirky attitude. The unique attribute your booth staff should have is the ability to build rapport with a wide range of people.

What are your thoughts on how they did? If anyone had the right kind of energy a staff member should have when presenting his/her’s booth and its products, its Erik Pants. Maybe keep the random comments to a minimum, but his enthusiasm is the level the team should have all day, even when the trade show room begins to get hot and stuffy as Erik commented on in the video.


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