Custom Show Displays that Increase Visitor Traffic

Are you looking to create show displays that will look amazing and guarantee to increase your traffic at your next trade show event? Here are some key tips in deciding what your final show display will consist of and look like.

Show Display Design

When created custom trade show displays you need to start with the fundamentals and decide on what your most important message will be to your audience. Are you promoting a “new” product? Are you trying to convince people that your service will help save them money or time? Focus in on one major message and then have a couple supporting messages. Then take those and incorporate them into the design of your trade show booth, your apparel, your giveaways, carpeting, handouts, and the list goes on.

Pre-configured Show Displays

When starting your search for show displays, take a look at some per-configured show display solutions, as you might find something that would save you a lot of money, rather than created a custom show display from scratch. There a number of show displays such as pop up displays, hop up displays, tension fabric displays and even trade show truss exhibits that can fit almost any need an budget. We’ve listed a few at the bottom that have been great sellers and solutions for many companies.

Look and Feel

The look and feel of your custom trade show display is key to drawing traffic. Will you be including an LCD display? Will you have workstations that visitors can interact with? If so, make sure you work directly with your custom tradeshow booth provider to pick their brain on their recommendations. They just might have some tradeshow display solutions that you’ve never seen or thought of before. They are the tradeshow display experts and deal with these products everyday, so use them to the fullest to make sure your tradeshow display brings the traffic you need to succeed.

Show Requirements and Limitations

Make sure you check the requirements and limitations of the exhibit hall or convention center where you will be exhibiting. Often there are height limitations as well as requirements to not block other exhibits adjacent to your show display.

Suggested Show Displays

OneFabric 4×3 Straight Pop Up Display Kit w/Counter

10′ x 10′ Trade Show Displays and Booths

10′ x 20′ Trade Show Displays and Booths

Orbital Truss Kit Displays


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APG Exhibits

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