The Do’s & Don’ts When Running a Tradeshow Booth

Over the years, running a tradeshow booth has become smoother and easier with practiced mastery. From our experience in the field, here is a list of Do’s and Don’ts.


  • Portray an inviting persona to the attendees at the tradeshow: Stand up and greet them in front of the booth
  • Make good eye contact with your tradeshow booth visitors once they enter the booth– and if you want to make the visitor more comfortable, offer a seat. Sit with visitors and maintain eye contact, or if you plan to continue standing, save seats for just the visitors. Try to have high stool seats for them to use so you two are still at eye level as you stand and they sit
  • Upon BOTH arrival and departure, always thank your guests for their time at your booth
  • Quickly introduce yourself to your tradeshow booth visitors. Ask if you can help them today or what made them want to stop in to your tradeshow exhibit (remember, be non-pressuring and relaxed. Smile as much as possible)
  • After introductions, ask if they are familiar with your company and its products/services. If not, give a quick overview. If they are familiar, say something like, “Great, so then you already know a little bit about how we… (insert extremely short company overview)…” and follow-up with asking how you can help them today.
  • When speaking about your company and its products/services, try pointing out any visual (on your tradeshow booth, a brochure or a product sample). They can see what you are referring to and focus their attention more. This helps back your points with visual evidence, which is always important.
  • Give your tradeshow booth visitors contact information and reading materials about your company and its products/services to take with them when they leave


  • Don’t let your booth staff talk amongst each other. Instead, be sure to make eye contact with attendees walking by from all directions and reel them in for conversation about your company with an attentive smile.
  • Don’t use stand-offish body language, for example slouching or crossing your arms and legs.
  • Don’t leave trash or food out in the open for your potential customers to be turned away from the lack of professionalism that your tradeshow booth portrays.
  • Don’t set setup materials or unattractive boxes be clear to the eye, but instead hide them under fully-skirted tables behind the exhibit or at an off-venue location
  • Don’t enter the neighboring spaces of your surrounding exhibitor booth areas

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APG Exhibits

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