Optimize Your Business Promotions Using Feather Flags

If you have a business storefront and are ready to up the ante of your marketing to get more customers in the store, feather flags are your perfect next promotional tool.
Feather flags are the answer to your promotional needs. Perfect for grabbing the attention of passing drivers and pedestrians, feather flags are the ultimate advertising tool. Especially if your business is neck-in-neck with competition from the business down the street. Feather flags are an investment well made, effectively drawing in potential new clients for your business.
Feather Flags are versatile, convenient for transporting, easy to set up, eye-catching and affordable. They are easily everyone’s favorite for promoting sales or just drawing attention. Feather flags are also great for trade show booths and promotional events (outdoors or indoors). Feather flags are a winning professional investment for the most success.
How to Choose Your Feather Flags?
First you will want to consider a few things before making your feather flag purchase:
- What color theme does your business have in place?
You want to match or compliment your company colors, especially if you have a big sign in front of your business’ storefront or a color theme trending on the building’s exterior. The same goes for a prominent color theme in existence at your event.
So for example, if your company logo is blue and green, you can afford to add in another color from the same color family (cold color family: blues, greens and purples), but avoid the other side of the wheel (the warm color family: reds, yellows and oranges) or this will cause clashing. Studies show that viewers see clashing colors as a sign of an unorganized company when there is this clutter of un-trending color.
Always remember you are trying to catch the far away eyes of a passerby on the street, so chose brighter colors that stand out. A bright neon color may be useful as the sun goes down to reflect headlights of passing cars. If you are mounting your feather flags into grass or dirt areas, you may want avoid greens and browns that will blend in with this scenery.
What size do I need for my feather flags?
Base your sizing on the following factors:
- Your business’ property size, compared to the flags
- The Budget
Use a rule of thumb that your feather flags should correlate with the size of the business’ building/storefront. So if your business is the smaller than the size of a convenience store, you can work with a smaller feather flag. While a bigger department store or office building needs the larger feather flags.
However, if your feather flags are inside a building with low ceilings, smaller booth space, and a lower intensity of competition, you would probably be safe with the smaller feather flag sizes.
Another major factor to consider is how far your storefront is from the busy street. The further it is, the larger the feather flags you will want to go with. If your business resides a good distance away, purchase big feather flags so the text can still be read.
Once you have determined the best colors and sizes for your business’ needs, you are ready for to purchase your feather flags!