Top 3 Trade Show Booth Backwall Alternatives
As you may already be aware, the standard unit of measure for the size of a trade show booth is 10′ x 10′. While many companies choose to combine multiple 10′ x 10′ areas together to create a larger overall space, a quick view of any trade show exhibit map will illustrate that the stand-alone 10′ area is by far the most oft-used. While this size tends to fit the budget better for smaller businesses, it can be difficult to craft smaller trade show booths that stand up in size and visual impact to the show displays of much bigger companies. When faced with the prospect of designing an area with a smaller floor plan, every square foot becomes more important, and the one section that has the ability to provide the greatest “wow” factor is the back of the trade show booth, or the back wall.
Backwall alternatives to a trade show booth have been around for quite a while, but a more recent crop of products have hit the market and provide top-notch solutions for making the most of your trade show booth floor space. Read on for a quick survey of the top 3 alternative options.
3 Trade Show Booth Alternatives
1. Collage Pop Up Displays
A more thorough treatment of these innovative new trade show displays can be found HERE, on the APG website, but these unique units deserve additional mention. They have a collapsing frame structure that is similar to other pop up displays on the market, but they stand head-and-shoulders above the competition when it comes to the method of graphic placement. Instead of incorporating velcro or magnets as the method of attachment around the main perimeter of the frame only (like most other displays of this type), the Collage makes use of graphic attachment “pegs” at the corners of each quad on both the front AND back of the frame to create a 3D effect and the possibility of near-endless configuration patterns.
2. Truss Display Back Walls
If you’re looking and the website for something more heavy-duty that can give the impression of strength and stability, look no further than truss display back walls. Though these units are certainly heavier and slightly more labor-intensive than their “quick signage” counterparts, they cannot be beat when it comes to visual attraction and communicating to show-goers that you are serious about your trade show booths message. A truss display, despite it’s hefty appearance, requires no extra tools to set-up and a 10′ unit can usually be assembled in about an hour with just a few hands working on it. If you are in a manufacturing or other labor-based industry, a truss display may be the perfect choice for your trade show display.
3. Banner Stand Back Walls
There is nothing new about banner stands – they have been around for quite some time, with few true innovations over the years. However, a recent trend has begun that uses multiple stands in a row (often retractable) to create a continuous message. The benefits of using this method for your trade show booths back wall are obvious. Banner stands are lightweight, easily portable, and set up in just seconds. They are very low cost compared to other back wall solutions and can also have their graphics swapped out easier and cheaper when necessary.
While many of these solutions involve retractable banner stands, there is a newer line called the Penguin Connection that is truly eye-catching. These show displays utilize magnets at the top of of hardware unit for connection together and also magnetic tape where the graphic panels come together to create one long seamless “banner” that has to be seen to be fully appreciated.
If you find yourself wanting to take a different route with your trade show booths back wall, these ideas are a great place to start. As always, you can call the friendly and knowledgeable professionals at APG Exhibits to help you out any time!