Awesome Trade Show Booth Tips and Tricks

Arranging your Trade Show Booth
When planning your trade show booth always think in levels! Place larger items in the back, smaller items in front. The same goes for product placement on your tables! Taller banner stands and pop up displays towards the rear and smaller table top and iPad stands towards the front of the booth ensure visibility of all your branding.
Video and Slide Shows Draw Attention!!!
Develop a video or slide-show presentation to display on TV monitors or tablet in your trade show booth. There are many mounts and tablet displays available for trade shows. Most trade show visitors will be drawn towards this visually appealing element and it acts like an endless organizational commercial when you’re not there! There are some great options to integrate multi-media displays intro your trade show booths at a low budget.
Promote Your Booth on Social Media
Post to social media! Social media posts about your organization appearing at a local event or trade show let’s your customers know where you’ll be. Indicate your booth number and take a photo of your booth and post. You can also send invites or ask them to join a private group for special discounting or one on one meetings! Or just ask them to stop by and visit. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and Instagram are your bridge to a larger client base!
Have Plenty of Giveaways
Have plenty of trade show giveaways available! Make sure you have plenty of your business cards. Any literature should be available, be it brochures, pamphlets or spec sheets.Have plenty of items with your logo available such as pens and magnets. Give away a prize! Many Trade show success stories start with a contest. Give out raffle tickets at the start of the show then hold a drawing later that day or on another date! Watch the people flock to your trade show booth for the contest results!
Go Modular!
Buy a trade show display that is versatile! Purchasing a trade show booth is a daunting task! So, when looking for one don’t limit yourself to one show look. One week you may want to have a few banners in a small lobby, the next month you may have a show in a 10×10 space or 10×20! Going with a display that has different components and different space capabilities, this saves you money and keeps your look fresh and unique. APG offers plenty of options for modular displays and kits!
For more tips check out our tips section!
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Great advice on arranging the booth! Thanks for sharing