Trade Show Booths – Monitor and Laptop Solutions

Here are some options we have for solving hosting a monitor in a backwall, with laptop nearby in a trade show booth display.
1st, rather than having the monitor corded to the laptop, one possibility is using a wireless device such as apple’s appletv or google’s chromecast; that frees up where you put the table/podium to hold the laptop.
Now on to how to host a monitor on a backwall.
This kit is $1600 HopUp 10 ft (4×3) Dimension Backwall Kit 03 • APG Exhibits
The smaller monitor mount you probably want looks like this:
HopUp 7.5 ft (3×3) Dimension Backwall [Kit 02] • APG Exhibits $1,129.99
Waveline 10′ Backwall w/Standroid Monitor Display Kit • APG Exhibits $1,899.99
That product is $1740 but includes all you see except the monitor+mount (case-to-counter in front including graphic wrap and the small counter in the back perfect for putting a laptop) even the lights are included.
The monitor mount is $80 and hooks onto the edge of any panel any height; so can be on the side or middle as shown.
Mandarin 10 ft WaveLine Media Display [Kit] • APG Exhibits
Other variations of that backwall:
Seahorse 10 ft WaveLine Media Display [Kit] • APG Exhibits $1485 (plus $80 for monitor mount which would have to be on the edge since one piece)
Scallop 10 ft WaveLine Media Display [Kit] • APG Exhibits $1665 (plus $80 for monitor mount; not for the big monitor as shown but small like the previous example)
a LARGE monitor 32-40 can be mounted in any of these ‘Waveline Media’ displays. $30 option for the kit to mount the monitor as shown in the picture above.
Oyster 10 ft WaveLine Media Display [Kit] • APG Exhibits $1740. (plus $80 for monitor mount).
APG Exhibits has numerous options for helping to meet your needs and budget. For additional questions contact customer service.