Bring Your Exhibit Area Together With Trade Show Flooring

Trade Show Carpet

Trade Show Flooring Provides A Wide Variety of Benefits

Booth With Trade Show Flooring

Our focus in these blogs often involves drawing a comparison between high-quality, attractive trade show booths and those that are less-so.  We’ve been involved in the creation of so many exhibit areas and seen so many different types of booths that we have become quite astute at figuring out what “works” and what doesn’t.  While many exhibitors choose to focus on everything that is displayed vertically, we cannot overstate the importance of quality trade show flooring in the context of your trade show booth design.

Trade show flooring comes in a huge variety of styles, colors, and orientations.  There are tiled systems that interlock together and provide modular portability.  There are longer rollable sections that  have fewer “seams” and set-up easier.  There are solid colors, wood grains, full hard wood panels, and a ton of different thicknesses and textures, each of which have their own unique pro’s and con’s.

No matter which you choose, though, you can be sure that the addition of trade show flooring to your booth setup is one of the best investments you can make.  Why?  The answer is two-fold:

1. It Saves Your Legs!

Any good trade show flooring is anti-fatigue flooring. Most trade show floors offer very little in the way of cushioning or support, and after hours of traversing the aisles, your potential customers often need a bit of a break!  If your booth offers cushioned plush carpet (such as seen here), EVA foam tiles, or supported hardwood flooring, we can guarantee that potential visitors will find your display area a welcome break. What’s more, your booth staff will thank you for making their lives easier as well!

2. It Brings Everything Together Visually

You can spend countless hours perfecting every facet of your branded displays and marketing materials, but often it is actually your trade show flooring that provides the final piece to the “visual puzzle.”  Wood options give a feeling of sophistication, while colored EVA foam tiles can accent your brands colors.  Some of our more premium, high-gloss acrylic flooring brings a high dose of “tech” to the table, while carpet options always remain visually warm.

If you need any assistance with pairing your booth’s design with the perfect trade show flooring, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our knowledgable project coordinators via phone, email, or live chat!

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APG Exhibits

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