Banner Stands: Going Big vs. Going Budget

Retractable Banner Stands

Investigating Which Banner Stands Are Right For Your Promotion

"Big" vs. "Budget" Banner StandsBanner stands are without a doubt the most ubiquitous trade show display on the market, and with good reason.  They are versatile yet inexpensive, and able to relay virtually any message without need for a large initial investment.  However, there are quite a few different models and “levels” to this display category, so deciding which one will work best is not always the easiest task.  In this blog we are going to take a look at the advantages of going “big” vs. “budget” with your banner stands.

When we say “big” in regards to banner stands, we are referring to more premium offerings.  Premium stands have a number of added features that justify their higher price tag, such as lifetime hardware warranties.  Additionally, many of the premium retractable banner stands (such as the Imagine or Advance models) allow for near-effortless graphic replacement through use of a swappable graphic cassette, which allows the end user to make the exchange as opposed to needing to send the stand back to its original manufacturing location. These more premium stands are ideal for when you will be needing to setup/tear-down your stand frequently over a long period of time.  Since they have higher-quality internal mechanisms, they are not as prone to malfunction or breakage.  They may come at a slightly higher price tag, but this is often justified by the additional mileage they provide.

Budget banner stands are those that fall into a lower price point and are often accompanied by shorter warranties, usually either 3 months or a year.  One of the main benefits to budget stands is that they always utilize the same graphic substrate and print quality as their more expensive counterparts.  The trade-off here is that budget banner stands are not made for consistent or long-term use since the hardware construction is typically not as hearty as with the premium stands.  The budget versions are best used either for one-time events, or if you simply need some informational/way-finding signage that will stay in relatively the same place over a long period of time.  If you can keep setting up and tearing down these stands too frequently, it is possible to get years of use out of them for a much lower cost than the premium stands.

APG has a huge selection of banner stands in all types of sizes, configurations, and budget levels, so if you have any question about which is best suited for your needs, please reach out today to one of our friendly project coordinators via phone, email, or live chat!

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APG Exhibits

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