Why the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Trade Show is Keeping Paula Deen

Illustration depicting an illuminated neon sign with a trade show concept.

Illustration depicting an illuminated neon sign with a trade show concept.

After the Paula Deen controversy, many big name brands are burning bridges with the celebrity chef. However, some companies and fans are still standing on the side of Deen. Apart from retailers, one trade show, the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show, is keeping their schedule with Paula Deen presenting at The Tiny Kitchen’s MetroCooking Dallas this year, Sept. 21-22 at the Dallas Convention Center. When so many others are leaving Deen behind, why is this trade show standing by her side?

“Paula Deen has been a friend of The Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show for many years. She has apologized and we are taking her apology at her word and moving forward accordingly. MetroCooking does not condone or believe in the use of derogatory slurs by anyone. This is a nation of forgiveness and second chances. In that spirit we intend to go forward with the MetroCooking Shows in Houston, Dallas and Washington, DC as planned with Paula as a presenter. At this time we have no plans to do otherwise.”

You can find this statement was made on the Metropolitan Cooking DC site.


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