Which iPad Stand is Right for You?






New Top Seller: The iPad Stand

APG Exhibits is incorporating a wide range of multimedia displays, including iPad stands. The new touch technology in tablets and iPads attracts a wide range of customers, and you can use this to your advantage.

Our new iPad stands are easy to set up and simple for visitors to use. They easily attract attention to any trade show booth. Make your brand the trade show highlight by incorporating the latest technology to your trade show display. We have several different display options for tablets, iPads and monitors.

One of APG’s new top sellers is the iPad Banner Display Stand (pictured above, right). This iPad stand utilizes your booth space with a large banner stand while incorporating interactive media all in one display. The simple design of the banner attracts attendees from afar and draws the eye toward the iPad stand. These new iPad displays stands are must-have trade show items. This dual-purpose iPad stand is clean and simple, both in appearance and assembly. It brings a professional look to modern, touch-screen iPads. The tamper-proof hardware ensures that your iPad will remain safely secured in the kiosk while attracting attendees interact with your display. This item is a hot seller right now. Tablets are still fairly new and a rare find at trade shows. Attendees notice booths with new technology and are bound to visit your display.

One thing you might be wondering is how to use your iPad stand at your next event. It may seem challenging but it’s not impossible. Tablets are becoming increasingly popular at trade shows for a reason: People love them! One option is to use microsites. It saves you the trouble of developing your own apps and still gives you a great opportunity to show off your brand. This option is best if your have reliable web access and want to use your iPad stand as a presentation tool. This idea is particularly useful if you anticipate a lot of traffic at your booth where you may not have enough people to speak with all your visitors at once. Those visitors who cannot speak with your staff have a second option for interacting with your brand at your iPad stand.

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3 Responses

  1. mbaron says:

    These iPad stands have been our best sellers. Exhibitors have realized the importance of adding interaction within their booths for a higher traffic rate and to get visitors involved with their booth and brand.

  2. Andrew Rouse says:

    A recent trip to the planetarium introduced me to the “iPad Stand”. They had one for each planet. They weren’t selling planets but if they were, it would have been the ideal method!

    if you have a product that can be demonstrated on an iPad (and who doesn’t), get yourself an iPad Stand and you’ll have to push customers aside to let the next one check out your product. The free-standing iPad Stand draws attention without taking any precious counter space in your booth, consider that when laying out your next trade show display!

    Consider that the ‘next generation’ of buyers are very touch-screen adapted and that is the ‘new normal’. Get ahead of the curve and put an iPad in your tradeshow booth, and even add a custom banner stand in the same tool!

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