3 Things To Remember When Choosing Apparel For Your Trade Show Booth Staff

Matching apparel is the best way to effectively show your company’s professionalism to the display visitors. Effective apparel should combine a sharp, clean look with comfort ability for your staff’s sanity. Here’s how:
There are a few different options when it comes to choosing the best collection of apparel for your trade show booth staff. The first consideration, is a color theme. You can do the same color, but a different variety in style. A second option is to do the same style, but different color variety. Three, plan a themed palette of colors such as all pastels or all neon.
Your team will look extra sharp if your team matches the trade show booth. While you don’t want your team to blend in or be washed out by the canvas, you can chose the a bright accent color from the display. So if the display is mostly blue and the writing is yellow, you could have the team be dressed in matching yellow polos or dress shirts with blue writing, for example.
Comfort is the second consideration you should make when choosing attire for your staff because unhappy staff members translate their negative energy into their work and their approach with customers at the trade show booth. Avoid this by choosing breathable materials that have been washed beforehand. New clothes can often be starchy and itchy. Also trade shows are famous for being chilly in the morning hours and unbearably warm in the afternoon ( probably from body heat and the sun above the building). For this reason, it is a good idea to give your staff apparel with layer options. If you purchase polos or button-ups and don’t have it in the budget to get a united top layer, tell your staff to bring the same colored sweaters, zip-ups or suit jackets (depending on the current attire to match in formality). Black or blue, whichever matches with the under layer best, are both professional and common colors for all of your staff to likely own.
A final note is to make sure that your staff reflects the company well. A good rule of thumb is to model your staff’s attire choice off of what they would normally wear to work. So for example, if your company sells sporting goods, you may want to have your team sport, pun intended, a more casual athletic wear long sleeve polo with slacks in comparison to a law firm that would more properly be dressed in suits and button-up undershirts. Think about the different items you could use for your trade show booth or contact us today for free ideas in PDF format.
Keeping all of these considerations in mind when picking staff apparel are sure to give your team their best feet forward to win the trade show booth crowd, while as comfortable henceforth pleasant as possible.
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